Proven Results
2014-2024 Longitudinal Study
To measure and validate the long-term transformational impact of The Wooden Floor’s Theory of Change and integrated model, we developed a customized 10-year Longitudinal Study – Using Dance as a Developmental Catalyst that launched in 2014. The same students are surveyed every other year. Our partner, the Centers for Research on Creativity, is studying our students’ development of personal skills that contribute to success in life.
Americans for the Arts (AFTA)’s Arts + Social Impact Explorer
Recent research published by Americans for the Arts (AFTA) provides numerous data points linking the positive impact of arts engagement with numerous community development indicators in the areas of youth development, civic engagement, workforce development, equity and public welfare.
Arts Evaluation and Assessment: Measuring Impacts in Schools and Communities (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017)
A chapter co-authored by Dr. James Catterall of Centers for Research on Creativity and The Wooden Floor’s CEO Dawn Reese, “A Step in the Right Direction: Emerging Lessons From a Longitudinal Study in Dance Education,” is featured in Arts Evaluation and Assessment: Measuring Impacts in Schools and Communities (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017). TWF’s preliminary data provides creative youth development practitioners with evidence of effective strategies to develop children’s potential, courage and resilience.